Estate Planning

70% of adult Americans do not have an up-to-date estate plan or a last will & testament.

Estate Planning is simply the process of getting your affairs in order so that you make things easier for your surviving family members when the time arises. It’s no surprise why 70% of adult Americans put off estate planning or even writing a Last Will & Testament.

For many, it’s simply procrastination- thinking about your own death is not enjoyable and the cost of an estate attorney is another reason to put it off.

Others believe they don’t have many assets to protect in an estate plan which is a common myth. If you own a home and have savings and retirement accounts, without the proper documents your loved ones may end up in probate court.

Another common myth is the assumption your spouse automatically inherits everything if you don’t have a Will- this is not entirely true.

Far too often, these myths lead to loved ones going through unnecessary stress and legal expense when an unexpected tragedy strikes.

At Financial Integrity Group, we feel it’s our responsibility to make you aware of the importance of Estate Planning. It doesn’t have to be difficult, expensive or depressing. It is something you do for your family. Get it done and you will feel better knowing that you’ve taken care of them. All you need to do is take a few simple steps which we can guide you through.